What Is Periodontal Disease?

November 18, 2023
cosmetic dentistry, Dentist in Sewell what is periodontal disease, dentist in Sewell NJ

In order to prioritize your dental health, you need to know how to prevent periodontal disease. But what is periodontal disease exactly?

Contrary to popular belief, folks in medieval times cared a lot more about their smiles than people realize. Regular teeth cleaning was a common practice. In fact, their teeth may have been better than ours since they ate less sugary food.

Thanks to modern medicine, though, we no longer have to pull teeth when they get cavities. Your local dentist can tackle just about any problem you throw at them. Even more concerning cases, such as periodontal disease. 

What is periodontal disease, anyway? It's the end result of poor gum health, and is something you definitely want to prevent. Read on as we explain what it is, and how to treat it.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is a severe inflammation and infection in the bone and gums surrounding your teeth. Importantly, it's a later stage of gingivitis, a less extreme type of periodontal disease. Failure to treat gingivitis is usually what leads people to get periodontal disease.

You'll know that you have gingivitis if your gums start to bleed, or get red and swollen. As gingivitis worsens, it turns into periodontitis. You may start to lose gums and then experience bone loss and teeth falling out.

Periodontal disease is most common in adults. Across the nation, it's one of the biggest threats to your dental health, right next to tooth decay. When you go in for your dental services, this is one of the first things your dentist will check for.

What Causes Periodontal Disease?

The main cause of periodontal disease is bacteria and plaque. Plaque is that yellowish, slimy veneer that forms on the surface of your teeth after eating-and failing to brush.

Eventually, this leftover food material creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. This bacteria can then infect your mouth's tissue and gums, causing infection. 

The next stage of plaque is tartar, also known as calculus. Tartare is much more noticeable, appearing as a thick crust that discolors your teeth. It can stain your pearly whites if left untreated for long enough. 

Plaque is easy to brush off, but tartare is more challenging. It builds up along your gumline, possibly requiring your local dentist to do a cleaning.

Warning Signs of Periodontal Diseases

Luckily, periodontal disease won't sneak up on you out of nowhere. Before you get it, you'll experience the following warning signs:

  • Persistent bad breath 
  • Persistent bad taste in your mouth
  • Swollen or red gums
  • Gums that bleed
  • Gums that feel extra tender
  • Pain when chewing
  • Teeth that feel loose
  • Teeth that feel sensitive
  • Gums receding from your teeth

If you notice any of the above, it's time to schedule an appointment for dental care. Procrastinate, and you risk allowing simple gingivitis to evolve into serious periodontitis.

Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease

Lifestyle choices and genetic causes can make it more likely for you to get periodontal disease. The following are potential risk factors: 

  • A smoking habit
  • Diabetes
  • Poor dental health and hygiene
  • Excessive stress
  • Hereditary causes
  • Crooked teeth
  • Immune-deficiencies such as AIDS
  • Bad teeth fillings
  • Medications that lead to dry mouth
  • Poorly-fitting bridges 
  • Changes in female hormones

Some of these are obviously within your control, such as smoking or personal dental care. Taking care of yourself is a small price to pay if it means avoiding nasty periodontal disease.

How to Prevent Periodontal Disease

Preventing periodontal disease goes hand in hand with regular dental care. Even if you already have gingivitis or some of the warning signs, it's not too late. The following preventative measures will keep your teeth nice and healthy:

  • Brushing after every meal
  • Flossing at least once per day
  • Visiting your dentist every six months
  • Changing lifestyle habits like smoking 

It's easy to fall into bad habits, such as going to bed without brushing your teeth. The key thing is to realize that the small inconvenience of teeth cleaning far outweighs the inconvenience of periodontal disease. Taking that five minutes after each meal to brush is something you'll never regret.

Remember, periodontal disease begins with leaving food residue on your teeth. It's critical that you brush your teeth well if you feel any plaque. Schedule a dentist appointment if you notice tartar buildup on your gum line, too.

What Do You Do If You Already Have Periodontal Disease?

It's never too late to get help from your local dentist. Some people feel shame and embarrassment for having allowed things to get this far. As a result, you may put off a necessary appointment for fear of the scolding their dentist will give them.

Dentists deal with periodontitis all the time. Your local dentist's office is a friendly, judgment-free zone where you can obtain the care you need. Schedule an appointment ASAP if you believe that you have periodontitis or the aforementioned warning signs.

Diagnosing Periodontitis

To diagnose you for periodontitis, the dentist will measure the depth of the pockets between your teeth and gums. A healthy mouth has about 1 to 3 mm of pocket depth. Anything 4 millimeters or deeper is indicative of periodontitis. 

Then, the dentist will take X-rays to check for bone loss that may have occurred in the area. After examining your medical history and risk factors, they will assign a stage to your periodontitis. This determines how severe your case is, and what course of treatment you need.

Treatment for Periodontitis 

Even if you do have periodontitis, there is treatment. Non-surgical solutions may include the following:

  • Scaling to remove bacteria and tartar
  • Root planing to smooth root surfaces
  • Prescribing antibiotics

In severe cases, the dentist may have to perform surgery such as the following:

  • Flap surgery
  • Soft tissue grafts
  • Bone grafting
  • Guided tissue regeneration
  • Tissue-stimulating proteins

The sooner you visit your dentist, the less extreme the treatment will be. Waiting too long could force you to get more invasive surgical procedures. 

Visit Dr. Haddad

What is periodontal disease? It's a case of serious gum and bone infection. Proper everyday dental care can prevent it, but there are still treatments for when it gets out of hand. 

Looking for a dentist in Sewell NJ? Look no further than Sewell Dental Design. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Haddad today.

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