What to eat after wisdom teeth removal? Soup! Specifically, rich broths like bone broth and blended soups like pumpkin or tomato soup.
Not only are they easy to consume, but they are also delicious. Soups contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. This is an excellent option for post-dental surgery when you are unable to eat
hard-to-chew food
like cooked meat or whole fruits and vegetables.
Adding soup to your diet helps ensure you meet your daily nutrition recommendations. Eating soup is also a great way to stay hydrated, which is very important after any surgery.
2. Instant Oatmeal
It is best to wait at least three days after having your wisdom teeth removal before consuming oats due to their slightly chewy and sticky texture.
Rolled oats and steel-cut oats are healthier than instant oats, but it's best to go for instant oatmeal because it is the easiest type of oatmeal to chew and swallow.
3. Smoothies
Smoothies are an excellent way to make sure you are eating a balanced diet when you are unable to eat solid food during meals. A balanced diet is essential for your overall health, especially after a procedure like a
tooth extraction.
Smoothies are easy to prepare and easy to consume. You can customize the ingredients in smoothies to meet your nutrition goals and suit your taste.
For some additional protein, add a scoop of protein powder or some Greek yogurt to your smoothies. These ingredients can boost your protein intake significantly, which is crucial for recovery.
Studies have shown that low protein intake may hinder the recovery process since protein is needed to repair tissue, slow muscle catabolism as well as decrease the inflammatory phase.
Add some fruit and vegetables into the blender alongside your choice of protein for some extra vitamins and minerals.
4. Scrambled Eggs
Eggs, in general, are among the best soft foods to eat after a
tooth extraction. Scrambled eggs are easy to prepare and are easier to chew and swallow, compared to other types of cooked eggs.
They are also a source of high-quality protein and rich in vitamins and minerals.
Look for pasteurized or omega-3-enriched varieties. They often have more omega-3 fats, which may help your wound heal.
5. Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is packed with vitamins and minerals and low in calories.
It's soft and creamy texture makes it easy to chew and swallow as you recover from wisdom tooth surgery. Cottage cheese is also an excellent source of protein.
One of the best things about cottage cheese is that it is easy to incorporate into your diet. Eat it on its own or topped with a fruit compote or try adding it to your smoothies and to your scrambled eggs.
6. Salmon
If you're wondering what to eat after a tooth extraction, get some salmon before your tooth extraction. Salmon is perfect for eating after dental surgery because it is soft and easy to chew. It is also one of the
healthiest fish
you can eat.
Salmon is packed with healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids and is a rich source of protein.
These fats may help wound healing by reducing inflammation, even more so if you already have low omega-3 fatty acid levels to begin with.
It is true that inflammation is essential to the wound-healing process, though, excess inflammation can delay recovery if it lasts too long.
7. Mashed Root Vegetables
Whether you choose mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, or mashed pumpkin, mashed root vegetables have a soft and mushy texture easy to chew and swallow without causing irritation to your wound.
These root vegetables have a lot of calories, and they will give your body the energy it needs to get through the day. Also, since root vegetables contain a lot of nutrients and carbs, you can get a lot of nutrition out of a small serving.
Pumpkin is rich in vitamins A, C and E, and minerals like potassium. Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fiber as well as containing
an array of vitamins, and they're a good source of B vitamins as well as vitamin C.
These vitamins also help promote immunity, which in turn may improve wound healing as well as help your body recover from wisdom tooth removal.
8. Healthy Ice Cream
If you Google, "What Can I Eat After Tooth Extraction?", ice cream is probably going to be one of the top answers. Unfortunately, ice cream is not the most nutritious choice out there.
While the coldness and chill of ice cream may have a soothing effect on your wound, it's often loaded with sugar.
There are healthy options when it comes to delicious frozen soft foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal. You can make the switch to frozen yogurt, which contains beneficial probiotic bacteria that is great for your digestive system.
You can also opt for vegan ice cream made with a nut milk (almond, cashew, etc.) base for some heart-healthy plant-based monounsaturated fat.
You can also make your own tasty and guilt-free cold treat by blending some frozen bananas with a splash of milk until it has a smooth and thick consistency similar to ice cream. This yummy treat is known as "nice-cream."